Action Plan

Now, more than ever, Gladstone is committed to creating a diverse community and cultivating a culture where every individual is respected and can succeed. This is an ongoing process, and we are prepared for the sustained effort needed to truly make a difference.

These are the next steps for our organization.

DEI Strategy



Increase the diversity of Gladstone’s community.

We strive to increase the representation of women and minoritized groups at Gladstone. The more diverse our internal community, the more we will benefit by learning from every person’s unique perspective, background, and experiences. This diversity not only enriches our culture, but bolsters our science and, ultimately, can result in a greater impact of our collective work on overcoming disease.

To attract talented individuals from all walks of life, we must pay close attention to each step of the recruitment and hiring process. We cannot continue operating in the way we always have and expect different results.

We will re-examine all our practices—from where we post open positions and the language used in job descriptions, to our interview questions and selection criteria—to minimize unconscious bias and ensure the process is inclusive and equitable. We also aim to remove as many obstacles as possible that would prevent individuals from groups underrepresented in biomedical research from applying to or accepting a position at Gladstone.

And once we attract talent, we will work diligently to retain it. We will also focus on increasing the number of women and people of color in executive and investigator positions, not only providing advancement opportunities but also allowing individuals from these groups to see themselves reflected in our leaders.

Select Objectives and Tactics

  • Identify new avenues to post and promote open positions (for both scientists and non-scientists) that could attract a variety of candidates, particularly applicants from groups underrepresented in the sciences.
  • Remove requirements from job descriptions that unnecessarily favor candidates with privilege and may dissuade certain individuals from applying.
  • Develop rigorous guidelines to ensure hiring processes and interview questions represent inclusive and equitable practices and reflect Gladstone’s core values and commitment to diversity.
  • Explore new partnerships with minority-serving institutions and other academic and non-academic organizations to combine and maximize efforts.
  • Recruit at least two investigators who are people of color by 2025.
  • Identify opportunities to improve the representation of women and people of color at every level, including creating new positions and finding new ways to engage current community members in leadership roles.

How We Will Measure Progress

  • Track the overall diversity of Gladstone’s internal community and publish an annual diversity report.
  • Annually track the representation of women and other minoritized groups in leadership and investigator positions at Gladstone.
  • Measure yearly the retention at Gladstone of individuals from groups historically underrepresented in the sciences.
  • Review yearly the outlets where open job positions are posted and promoted.

Provide equitable opportunities for growth, contribution, and advancement to every member of Gladstone’s internal community.

We recognize that, along their journeys, people do not all benefit from the same privileges or face the same challenges. If they are not accounted for and addressed, these differences can lead to inequities in the workplace, with certain individuals being presented with—or being able to capitalize on—more opportunities than others.

As we continue to recruit people from various backgrounds and the Gladstone community becomes increasingly diverse, it is important for us to be thoughtful and vigilant to ensure that every individual has access to resources that will provide them with support and help them grow professionally.

To do so, we will systematically review all our policies and processes—especially as they relate to hiring practices, performance evaluation, promotions, pay equity, and professional development—to ensure they are equitable. We will also give everyone a chance to voice their opinions and concerns by promoting inclusive decision-making approaches.

Select Objectives and Tactics

  • Conduct annual salary audits that look at pay differences across race/ethnicity and gender.
  • Create a bridge program to support newly hired individuals from minoritized groups, particularly trainees, to help them develop soft skills, overcome any proficiency gaps that may result from fewer past opportunities, and learn how to navigate academic and institutional systems to achieve success.
  • Enable community groups to identify areas of imbalance in professional development and request special training specifically needed by members of their group.
  • Establish a process to ensure large Gladstone projects include appropriate representation across the internal community.
  • Provide greater support to groups within Gladstone who have special needs, including women, transgender individuals, parents or those who care for elders, individuals with disabilities, and those who may have financial difficulties.
  • Continue to update the building to ensure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

How We Will Measure Progress

  • Track number of revised policies and processes that impact hiring, promotions, performance evaluation, and professional development.
  • Audit salaries yearly to track pay differences across employee groups.
  • Report annually on improvements made on the basis of alignment with ADA guidelines.

Ensure all community members at Gladstone feel included.

In order to sustain a community that is courteous, sensitive, respectful, generous, and kind, it is crucial that everyone has the right—and feels they have the right—to express themselves fully. That’s why our DEI efforts are centered on people. We want to ensure that every individual feels a sense of belonging and experiences a positive relationship with Gladstone, from the time they apply for a position to the time they leave.

We will continually review our internal communications to confirm they are inclusive and make all community members feel welcomed and involved, while also bringing transparency to processes whenever possible. In parallel, we will aim to increase the understanding of diversity and inclusion competencies for all community members to create strong allies and partners in one another.

Select Objectives and Tactics

  • Measure employee engagement on a recurring basis, including measuring the perception of whether Gladstone’s environment is inclusive of differences and whether people of all groups feel like they belong.
  • Create guidelines for planning events that are welcoming, inclusive, and accessible to encourage full and dignified participation for everyone, with specific attention to individuals with different gender identities or physical abilities.
  • Increase the diversity of scientific speakers at Gladstone by encouraging all community members to nominate speakers, and sharing the list of nominees with organizers.
  • Develop and regularly promote a national database of scientists of color in biomedical research to help increase the proportion of people of color who are hired and invited as speakers across the country.
  • Create an inclusive language guide.
  • Provide resources and training on topics such as unconscious bias, microaggressions, and gender pronouns to all community members on an ongoing basis.
  • Review and update Gladstone’s mental health program to provide all community members with resources to address stressors and mental health issues and help them know where to find the support they need.

How We Will Measure Progress

  • Annually review events and programming using survey results, event attendance, and other data to ensure they are meeting DEI objectives.
  • Compile anonymous comments made in exit interviews to seek trends and address them through concrete action.
  • Review and update available mental health programs and benefits yearly by using anonymous feedback and participation rates.
  • Track participation in DEI trainings annually and include participation in performance evaluations.
  • Annually track the gender and race of scientific speakers who present at Gladstone.

Implement accountability measures and reinforce Gladstone’s commitment to an environment free of harassment.

Gladstone is committed to going far beyond what is legally required to ensure all employees feel they can thrive in our workplace. In addition to the fundamental principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion, we must also emphasize the importance of maintaining an environment that is free of bullying, harassment, prejudice, and racism. And we must address all behaviors that can have a pernicious influence on our community by enforcing meaningful consequences.

Ultimately, and of paramount importance, we need to hold ourselves accountable to our objectives—not only as an organization, but as individuals who make up its internal community, and as partners who can influence its development. We have to commit the necessary time and resources to implement the tactics we have devised, track their progress, make adjustments based on our learnings, and eventually, celebrate our successes.

Select Objectives and Tactics

  • Hire one or more employees whose main responsibility will be to implement Gladstone’s DEI strategy.
  • Add criteria in performance evaluations related to diversity, equity, and inclusion to hold all employees accountable for their participation in these important issues.
  • Enhance and promote a clear, accessible, and proactive gender harassment and general harassment policy that goes beyond legal compliance.
  • Develop additional programming to tackle all aspects of harassment, given that sexual harassment is traditionally a topic of focus, but not the only form of harassment in science and academia.
  • Provide forums and mechanisms to report and discuss incidents of discrimination, bias, and institutional racism, and develop a plan to address trends.

How We Will Measure Progress

  • Annually track employee commitment to Gladstone’s code of conduct.
  • Annually track the number and use of forums and other business tools dedicated to DEI and anti-harassment.
  • Annually track the number of programs developed to address harassment, and participation in such programs.