The Histology and Light Microscopy Core provides technical assistance, training, consultation, and collaboration for all aspects of experimental design, sample preparation, image processing, and data analysis. Our core is equipped with state-of-the-art technologies and expertise in histology, high-resolution histological imaging, confocal microscopy, light sheet microscopy, spinning disk microscopy, and optical projection tomography.

We strive to provide you with the knowledge and equipment you need to successfully perform your experiment. Our core also offers self service access for trained users.

Biology is a beautiful thing, and we want to work with you to make it that way!


Email@email for any information relating to POs, quotes, and administrative inquiries.
Email @email for any technical questions regarding projects.

Core Members

Rebecca Blandino
Senior Research Technologist

Rose Guerrero
Research Scientist

Alex Liu
Research Technologist I

Jane Srivastava
Core Director, Flow Cytometry, Light Microscopy and Histology