Through collaborative interactions and consultations, the Behavioral Core serves researchers at Gladstone, UC San Francisco, other nonprofit research institutions, and for-profit entities.

Together with colleagues in clinical programs, we are investigating the relation between impairments in patients with brain disorders and in rodent models simulating these conditions. These studies aim to promote the development of suitable tests and novel treatment strategies to improve cognition and other neural functions in patients suffering from devastating diseases of the nervous system.


Our Process

Initiate Project

  • Selection of tests to validate specific hypotheses based on careful review of the pertinent literature and the core database.
  • Behavioral test battery customized according to specific experimental or therapeutic interventions and mouse models.

Behavioral Testing

  • Battery of 60+ behavioral tests covering diverse behavioral domains including sensorimotor functions, emotional and social behaviors, and cognitive functions such as learning and memory.
  • State-of-the-art equipment not typically seen in individual labs.
  • Experienced personnel ensures conclusive design and reliable execution of experiments.

Data Analysis

  • Rigorous statistical analyses and expert interpretation of data.
  • Presentation-ready data package delivered on completion of project.


  • Assistance with manuscript and report preparation.

Services Provided

We offer nearly 70 different assessments covering diverse behavioral domains, including sensorimotor functions, emotional and social behaviors, and cognitive functions such as learning and memory.

View List of Tests Offered


Jeff Simms, MA
Core Director
Email Email

Core Members

Linsey Dinh
Research Technologist II

Lane Domke
Research Technologist II

Iris Lo
Associate Core Director

Jeff Simms
Core Director