The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) Scholars program at Gladstone Institutes is focused on advancing research in the areas of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell technology and gene therapy, with the goal of developing novel treatments for various diseases.
The program is designed to offer comprehensive training to a diverse cohort of scholars with backgrounds spanning biology, clinical training, and bioengineering; and to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation in the pursuit of therapeutic advancements.
The CIRM Scholars program is made possible by funding from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine.
Program Benefits
- Scholars are awarded $12,000 that can be used to cover expenses at the Stem Cell Core at Gladstone, as well as miscellaneous research-related project costs, including travel to national meetings and general use reagents.
- Stipends are based on training and include 10 percent overhead.
- Scholars are provided with scientific mentorship and career development support.
Eligibility Requirements
CIRM Scholars:
- Must have a professional doctorate (PhD or MD).
CIRM Clinical Scholars:
- Must have a MD or equivalent degree and be able to practice medicine in their home country.
- Clinical trainees may not spend more than 25 percent of their appointment time on clinical duties independent of the CIRM training program.

Program Leadership
Bruce Conklin, MD
Deepak Srivastava, MD
Robert Mahley, MD, PhD
Melanie Ott, MD, PhD
Sudha Krishnamurthy, BDS, PhD
Carina Salaiz, BS
Current CIRM Scholars
Tomo Nishino, MD, PhD
Srivastava Lab
Galih Haribowo, PhD
Jain Lab
Einar Krogsaeter, PhD
Krogan Lab
Oluwole Alese, PhD
Nakamura Lab
Shyam Jinagal, PhD
Srivastava Lab
Akira Kunitomi, MD, PhD
Yamanaka Lab
Yolanda Marti Mateos, PhD
Jain Lab
Marty Yang, PhD
Ramani Lab
Linhan Wang, PhD
Shipman Lab
Jingshing Wu, MD, PhD
Bruneau Lab
Alejandro Gonzalez Delgado, PhD
Shipman Lab
Gokul Ramadoss, BS
Conklin Lab
Program Alumni
Coming soon...
Requests for applications will be announced once a year. The program is open only to current postdoctoral researchers at Gladstone. Subscribe to Gladstone’s newsletter to get updates.