You wore a mask. You sheltered in place and avoided travel. You got the vaccine. You thought we would soon be on the other side of the pandemic. Then the Delta variant came, and now Omicron.
You, like many others, are starting to wonder, “When will this all be over?”
On December 6, 2021, Gladstone virologists discussed what we know about Omicron and what we might expect in 2022.
Gladstone scientists were instrumental in converting HIV/AIDS from a uniformly lethal disease into a chronic condition, and they’ve brought the same urgency and focus to combatting COVID-19. COVID-19: Ask the Experts provides the public with a forum to ask Gladstone virologists questions about SARS-CoV-2, the state of the pandemic, and what the future will look like.
Gladstone scientists are moving quickly to respond to the coronavirus outbreak. Help us end this pandemic.
Melanie Ott, director of the Gladstone Institute of Virology, reflects on the breakthroughs driven by the COVID-19 pandemic and explains why virologists’ work is never done
Gladstone Experts COVID-19 Virology Ott LabAn 8-year-old with CMT meets with Gladstone researchers
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