Special Seminar
Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Steven Gazal, PhD

Assistant Professor of Population and Public Health Sciences
University of Southern California

Steven Gazal is an assistant professor at the Center for Genetic Epidemiology, in the Department of Population and Public Health Sciences at USC Keck School of Medicine. His research focuses on developing and applying statistical methods to understand the genetic basis of human diseases, with expertise in combining population genetics, genetic epidemiology and functional genomics approaches. Prior to his position at Center for Genetic Epidemiology, Steven was a postdoc and a research associate at the Harvard School of Public Health and in the Program in Medical and Population Genetics at the Broad Institute in the group of Alkes Price. Steven obtained his Ph.D. at the Fondation Jean Dausset CEPH, under the guidance of Anne-Louise Leutenegger and Emmanuelle Génin, while working as a statistical geneticist in Paris Hospitals. Learn more on his lab website.


September 20, 2023
3:00-4:00pm PDT
107 C/D

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

At Gladstone, we are committed to providing events and professional development activities that resonate with our community’s diverse members. Our goal is to develop creative programming that encompasses a wide variety of ideas and perspectives to inspire, educate, and engage with everyone within our walls.

We want to effect positive change through our events and activities by providing a platform for discussions on important topics related to increasing diversity and inclusiveness in the sciences.