Join the rally on Saturday, April 22, to support diversity and inclusion in science.


The Gladstone Institutes is partnering with the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and the California Life Sciences Association (CLSA) to co-host “Stand Up for Science,” an independent rally that parallels the international March for Science movement to be held on Earth Day.

On Saturday, April 22, join members of the Bay Area life sciences community at the pre-march rally. Gladstone’s President R. Sanders “Sandy” Williams, UCSF Chancellor Sam Hawgood, and other local leaders will speak out for the value of scientific research and the importance of diversity in science. RSVP today.

When:      Saturday, April 22, 2017

Where:     Outside steps of Genentech Hall (UCSF Mission Bay campus)
                 600 16th Street, San Francisco, CA 94158

“At Gladstone, we believe that solutions to deadly diseases depend on scientific research and discovery,” says Williams. “We also believe that diversity greatly contributes to excellence in science. Please join me for this rally to help our local community raise awareness about the importance of developing public policies that encourage scientific discovery and inclusiveness.”

Related events
Before the rally, from 8am to 10am, UCSF will host a teach-in featuring a moderated panel of faculty members who, during their careers, pursued research that challenged political views. They will share stories about the experience they gained in advancing evidence-based health policy when politics interfered or presented seemingly insurmountable obstacles. RSVP to attend the teach-in or tune in to watch the livestream.

After the rally, attendees can join the UCSF Contingent at March for Science San Francisco to celebrate and raise awareness of science.

Gladstone is not an official sponsor of the March for Science. Participation is voluntary and should be done on an individual basis and not on behalf of Gladstone.