Our core facilities and highly trained staff provide state-of-the-art services to scientists at Gladstone, UC San Francisco, and the Bay Area research community.

Assay Development and Drug Discovery
The Assay Development and Drug Discovery Core helps scientists establish new assays or adapt existing ones for high-throughput screening. The core’s expertise accelerates research into target and drug-discovery phases and moves findings into clinical trials.

The Behavioral Core supports a wide range of projects investigating complex behavioral functions related to neurological and psychiatric diseases. Our expert team looks forward to helping you unravel meaningful neurobiological pathways, validate novel therapeutic targets, and assess the efficacy of promising new treatment strategies.

The Bioinformatics Core provides expertise on experimental design and data analysis of complex data sets, with a specialization on analysis of large-scale data sets acquired from cutting-edge technologies. Make the core part of your team for experimental design, power analysis, sequence analysis, annotation, pathway and network analysis, visualization, data integration, figure generation, and technical writing.

Flow Cytometry
The Flow Cytometry Core provides flow cytometry and cell-sorting services, giving researchers a range of experimental options. The core also offers assistance with experiment design, data analysis, advice on specific applications, and technical guidance for users.

The Genomics Core provides state-of-the-art genomic and sequencing services to support basic and translational medical research for academic institutions and industry sectors. We strive to enable access to cost-effective, customized genomic analyses, as a functional extension of your lab.

Histology and Light Microscopy
The Histology and Light Microscopy Core provides technical assistance, training, consultation, and collaboration with all aspects of experimental design, sample preparation, image acquisition, processing, and quantitative data analysis. Our staff provides expertise in histology and high-resolution histological imaging; confocal, light-sheet, and spinning-disk microscopy; optical projection tomography; tissue clearing; and RNAscope.

Mass Spectrometry
The Mass Spectrometry Technology Center provides investigators with state-of-the-art technology to characterize protein dynamics in biological systems. The center provides a number of proteomics approaches, including characterization of protein-protein interactions, composition analysis of complex protein mixtures, quantitative analysis of protein abundance, and characterization of post-translational modifications.

Stem Cell
The Stem Cell Core provides space, equipment, and reagents for new or established researchers to perform their stem cell-related research. We provide comprehensive scientific training and services, and offer potential collaborations for custom requests related to stem cell research. In addition, the core has a select number of wildtype and CRISPR-modified (iPS) cell lines for purchase.

Transgenic Gene Targeting
The Transgenic Gene Targeting Core produces mouse models for investigators at Gladstone, UC San Francisco, and other research institutions. Transgenic and knockout technologies enable scientists to learn how specific genes and proteins, or their variants, function in a natural living animal environment with a defined genetic background.