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A few recommendations to celebrate Latinx Heritage Month
Latinx Heritage Month is celebrated each year from September 15 through October 15 as a way to honor the history and contributions of Latinx people in the United States. This year at Gladstone, we’re celebrating with a few book recommendations.
edited by America Ferrera
Hoping to create a narrative around American identity that reflected her own lived experience, America Ferrera reached out to friends and peers to share their personal stories about living between cultures. While not exclusively focused on Latinx identity, this collection of essays offers heart-warming, funny, and profound insights into the American experience.
by Diane Guerrero
When actress Diane Guerrero (Orange is the New Black) was 14, her parents and brother were arrested and deported. Since Guerrero was born in the United States, she was able to stay in the country and continue her education. But without her family, she had to rely on friends and learn to become independent. Guerrero shares her personal experience and the trauma that emerged from being abruptly separated from her family at a young age.
by Carey McWilliams
Originally published in 1949, this book has become a fundamental survey of Chicano history. North from Mexico covers the cultural, political, and economic issues of Chicanos faced in the United States. While published over 70 years ago, this book remains relevant and presents a foundational history of the Southwest.
by Francisco Cantú
After studying the border and border politics in college, Francisco Cantú decides he must experience it firsthand to really understand it. Cantú joins the border patrol despite the concerns of his Mexican immigrant mother. During this time and after he transitions back to civilian life, he becomes increasingly haunted by his work. The Line Becomes a River is a memoir highlighting the brutality the border can have on people on both sides of the line.
by Carmen Maria Machado
In an entirely unique and absorbing memoir, Carmen Maria Machado confronts a past abusive relationship. Each chapter changes form as she dives critically into her upbringing, society, and the cultural narrative around domestic abuse.
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