The Assay Development and Drug Discovery Core provides in-house expertise coupled with state-of-the-art equipment to help academic and industry scientists establish new assays or adapt and refine existing ones for high-throughput screening, enabling target identification and drug discovery.

The core’s expertise applies to all life science disciplines to accelerate research into target and drug discovery phases, identify novel targets within pathways, and drive findings into clinical trials and ultimately therapies for disease.

Our team looks forward to supporting your next project.



From the onset of a project, we take a flexible and collaborative approach. We will work with you directly to develop assays for your project or train you to develop, miniaturize, and optimize assays to be highly reproducible for medium (96-well) to high (384-well) throughput formats.


Our team will assist in the iterative process required to test and optimize assay conditions, and can perform assays for you to save you time. Alternatively, we can train you to independently use plate readers for biochemical assays and use automated high-throughput microscopes for cell-based assays.


The core offers assistance and troubleshooting to automate screening assays that have been tested and validated on a small scale. We use robotic liquid handling systems to automate high-throughput assays and offer a fully bio-annotated library of compounds for screening.

Analyze and Inform

After automation, the core will run a small screen of compounds to validate the newly developed assay. After developing, optimizing, running and validating assays in-house, you can transfer these assays to high-throughput screening facilities (such as the Small Molecule Discovery Center at UC San Francisco) to perform additional screening with larger structurally diverse compound libraries.


Anke Meyer-Franke, PhD
Core Director
Email Email

Our Services

Core Equipment

Cellomics Arrayscan XTI

Meso Scale Discovery QuickPlex SQ120

Agilent BRAVO Benchcel system with PlateLoc Thermal Microplate Sealer

BioTek EL406 with plate stacker

EL-406 Liquid Handler

Sector Imager

BioTek Synergy H4

Molecular Devices ImageXpress Confocal High-Content Imaging System

BioTek MultiFlo FX in Biosafety cabinet

Thermo Scientific CellInsight CX7 Microscope
