RA Appreciation Week
Thursday, May 23, 2024

Let's raise a glass and cheers to a week of appreciation and camaraderie!

Join the Happy Hour Trivia Night, where we'll toast to the dedication and hard work of our research associates while putting our knowledge to the test in a lively trivia challenge.

Whether you're a trivia master or just looking to unwind after a day of hard work, this event is for you! Bond with colleagues, flex your mental muscles, and enjoy a well-deserved break from the lab.


May 23, 2024
4:30-5:30pm PDT
107 C/D

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

At Gladstone, we are committed to providing events and professional development activities that resonate with our community’s diverse members. Our goal is to develop creative programming that encompasses a wide variety of ideas and perspectives to inspire, educate, and engage with everyone within our walls.

We want to effect positive change through our events and activities by providing a platform for discussions on important topics related to increasing diversity and inclusiveness in the sciences.