2025 Lloyd “Holly” Smith Distinguished Lecture
Carolyn R. Bertozzi, PhD
Join the Lloyd “Holly” Smith Distinguished Lecture for a scientific presentation—Targeting the Glycocalyx for Cancer Immune Therapy—by renowned scientist and Nobel laureate Carolyn Bertozzi.
Bertozzi’s lab explores glycobiology, profiling changes in cell surface sugars and using the information to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for diverse diseases, with applications from COVID-19 infection to immuno-oncology.
Join this special event to honor the late Holly Smith for his visionary leadership and hear about Bertozzi’s transformative research.
About the Speaker
Carolyn Bertozzi is the Baker Family Director of Sarafan ChEM-H at Stanford University, the Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences, and an investigator at Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
Bertozzi is the inventor of “bioorthogonal chemistry,” a class of chemical reactions that enable scientists to study molecules inside living organisms without interfering with biological processes. Her group also developed new therapeutic modalities for targeted degradation of extracellular biomolecules, such as antibody-enzyme conjugates and Lysosome Targeting Chimeras (LYTACs). As well, her group studies NGly1 deficiency, a rare genetic disease characterized by loss of the human N-glycanase.
Named a MacArthur Fellow in 1999, Bertozzi has received many awards for her dedication to chemistry and to training a new generation of scientists fluent in both chemistry and biology. She has been elected to the Institute of Medicine, the National Academy of Sciences, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In 2022, she received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for her development of click chemistry and bioorthogonal chemistry. She has also been honored with the Lemelson-MIT Prize, the Heinrich Wieland Prize, the ACS Award in Pure Chemistry, and the Chemistry of the Future Solvay Prize, among others.
The Lloyd “Holly” Smith Distinguished Lecture brings nationally and internationally recognized scientific leaders to Gladstone to share their novel research discoveries with our community. Gladstone has hosted the Distinguished Lecture Series since 1993. In 2014, the series was renamed to honor Lloyd H. ‟Holly” Smith, Jr., who served as a valuable advisor to Gladstone for many years.
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At Gladstone, we are committed to providing events and professional development activities that resonate with our community’s diverse members. Our goal is to develop creative programming that encompasses a wide variety of ideas and perspectives to inspire, educate, and engage with everyone within our walls.
We want to effect positive change through our events and activities by providing a platform for discussions on important topics related to increasing diversity and inclusiveness in the sciences.