Gladstone Science Talks
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Jorge Palop, PhD, Assistant Investigator

Jorge Palop, PhD
Assistant Investigator

Jorge Palop’s group studies the neuronal processes underlying cognitive impairments in neurological and neuropsychiatric conditions associated with abnormal synchronization of neuronal networks, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD). His laboratory is currently focused on understanding the role of inhibitory interneurons in altered oscillatory brain rhythms, network hypersynchrony, and cognitive impairments in AD. Using mouse models, electrophysiology, and optogenetics, Palop’s team aims to identify cellular and circuit mechanisms of cognitive dysfunction and to develop novel therapeutic approaches to restore brain functions.


May 15, 2019
11:00am-12:00pm PDT
Mahley Auditorium

Gladstone Science Talks allow investigators to share the latest research from their laboratories. These talks are open to the broader Gladstone community.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

At Gladstone, we are committed to providing events and professional development activities that resonate with our community’s diverse members. Our goal is to develop creative programming that encompasses a wide variety of ideas and perspectives to inspire, educate, and engage with everyone within our walls.

We want to effect positive change through our events and activities by providing a platform for discussions on important topics related to increasing diversity and inclusiveness in the sciences.