Intercultural Program
Monday, January 23, 2023

Rita Brown

Intercultural Trainer and Integral Master Coach

Session 1: Introductions and Cultural Intelligence

In this session of Designing Your Life in the United States, you’ll start building community and explore concepts such as perception, culture as a construct, and stereotypes. You’ll learn about the most important cultural values in the US and compare them to your own background and personal preferences. The learning goes beyond cognitive understanding to include physical and emotional awareness as well. The content for this class is based on extensive research in the field of intercultural theory.


Other Events in the Series

Culture Shock and Adjustment Tools
February 2, 2023

Best Practices on Intercultural and Virtual Communications
February 6, 2023

Stress Reduction with Somatic Awareness and Emotional Resilience
February 13, 2023

Living in the US and San Francisco Bay Area
February 20, 2023

Translating Your Skills and Interests
February 27, 2023

Networking, Job Searching, and Volunteering
March 6, 2023

Program Summary, Action Plan, and Conclusion
March 13, 2023

Group Coaching Session 1
February 16, 2023

Group Coaching Session 2
March 16, 2023

Individual Coaching sessions are available for the first 10 participants who sign up. Select individual coaching on the registration form and Rita Brown, the facilitator, will contact you to schedule or add you to the waiting list.


January 23, 2023
12:00-2:00pm PST

Designing Your Life in the United States is a course to help Gladstone’s international colleagues, and those newer to the US or San Francisco Bay Area, better understand American culture, build community, and learn skills and tools for a more fulfilling life in the US.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

At Gladstone, we are committed to providing events and professional development activities that resonate with our community’s diverse members. Our goal is to develop creative programming that encompasses a wide variety of ideas and perspectives to inspire, educate, and engage with everyone within our walls.

We want to effect positive change through our events and activities by providing a platform for discussions on important topics related to increasing diversity and inclusiveness in the sciences.